
choosing the right tool for the job

our toolbox of choice

Our Tech Stack is our toolbox of choice for building great products. It consists of technologies we are invested in for the long term, which means our technologies aren't chosen lightly, as we work with them for a long time and support products that use them for many years after their initial release.

A big driver behind our technology stack is the open-source community. We rely on it heavily and want to be a part of it by contributing as often as we can. An active open-source community is an absolute must for us in order to use the technology.

For all technologies in our stack, we have created internal standards, modules and boilerplates to which everyone on the team contributes. This means that we have a constant focus on reusing where we can, writing once and using it in many places. This increases quality and efficiency. And above all, it allows us to focus on complex things, rather than ‘plumbing’.

Within our technology stack, we recognize a couple of areas:

Cloud-Native engineering

Python development

JavaScript development

Go development

SaaS orchestration


we're looking for a

senior backend engineer

Contact us to hear more about our career framework for software engineers. We offer a modern foundation for your ambitions and growth.